Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Survival kit

Only three more days of work and then I'm off on holiday! That means though that there's only three more days for me to get the house and garden spic and span because I hate coming home from holiday to a pile of chores. I managed to get the pantry and fridge done tonight and cook two meals so here's hoping I can finish the rest tomorrow leaving me with some knitting time. 

I actually remembered today to buy something for our survival kit. At the moment it's looking pretty sad - some water, a wind up radio, purification tablets and anti-diarrhoea pills. Last year we had quite a bit of tinned food in it but each time we needed an emergency cooked breakfast, the beans got used. This time I have a canny plan. I'm going to stock up on tinned meat products as they aren't that appetising to me so I won't be tempted to dip into it, and my flatmate is vegetarian so she shouldn't touch them either. In the event of a natural disaster it'll be interesting to see if she prefers meat or going hungry (evil laugh). 


  1. lol.. have you actually tasted any of those meat in a can meals? we've started up our food storage too, but don't have any meat besides tuna. i'm a bit worried they won't taste too nice, so i don't want to buy them.

  2. I haven't actually tried it but I'm not that fussy. I'm hoping I never have to use it but if it gets close to expiry it probably wouldn't taste too bad in pastry or pass it on to the food bank haha

  3. that's a good idea, never thought about that.. we started using milk powder too instead of milk (although our milk here is cheap), and it's been pretty good, feels good using food storage and not letting it go to waste.
