Thursday, March 1, 2012

Late night knitting

Wow it's almost 5am and I still haven't gone to sleep. I had intentions of going to bed early tonight (as in before midnight early) but I decided to watch 'Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close' after work or as I now call it extremely long and incredibly boring or extremely suprised that it got nominated for best picture and how incredibly annoying is the child in it! The most exciting part of the movie was when I got a nose bleed half way though and had to rush out to the bathroom. The nap I had towards the end was another highlight.

When I came home I decided to get stuck into the housework before my day off and started by tidying the yarn basket which ended in me surfing ravelry and knitting a baby hat until 4am. It's a super basic pattern because I couldn't find the right size cable needle and because the yarn I'm knitting it in is so gorgeous and fluffy it doesn't really need any embellishment. It's in cranberry coloured Angora/merino mix from The Shearing Shed. Love that yarn! If you are reading this Hannah, the weather is crap so I promise the tea cosy I should have been knitting will be finished tomorrow.

I'm incredibly excited to have not one, but two days off this week. Sunday is the Newtown festival and comes the day after I get paid so I'm all ready to hit the stalls trying as much ethnic food as my belly can hold. Last year the highlights were Maori fried bread smothered in butter and golden syrup and Samoan luau made the proper way with taro leaves. Yum! If you are around Wellington and don't have Sunday plans then the Newtown festival is definitely worth checking out.

1 comment:

  1. I am reading this and I do expect a tea cosy. haha, well done! Say hi to bolo for me as she doesn't text back.
