Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What to do with leftovers...

With a southerly ripping its way across the country, yesterday was definately a stay-in-bed-and-do-nothing day. What a luxury! I did actually shower and put on fresh pajamas. The cold made the forays outside of bed few and far between only for a steaming cup of Healtheries rhuburb and apple tea - luxury buy of the week.

By the time flatmate number 1 arrived home, I was in the mood to eat, but so not in the mood to cook. Leftovers jazzed up it was. While she headed down to the shops to rent the all important Outrageous Fortune season 6 (going to the exhibition next week and we were just 3 episodes shy of watching all 6 seasons since December), I kept an eye on the cooking.

On Saturday night we had friends over for a roast (who came bearing Saint Claire and Roaring Meg pinot noirs and a late harvest riesling for dessert - amaaaaaaaazing!). At the time we chopped up extra vegies and cooked them in a non-meat-contaminated pan for later in the week - smothered in a buttery, honey glaze, mmm.

So last night it was these veges + risone + leftover brocolli and feta filo pie (cooked by the pom) for dinner.

And this pizza base + veges + feta+ sauce made from good ole t-sauce mixed with garlic, smothered with cheese for today's lunch.

Not bad for venturing outside of the duvet for the least possible time, cooking time. Oh and there was also leftover pinot noir too *picture happy, grinning mumsie here*

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