Friday, April 13, 2012

Cool dinosaur stuff

My day was sooooo long today. It started at 4.30am when I woke up coughing so hard I couldn't sleep again until 6am. By which time it was just about time to get ready for work. After a full day there I watched two movies, one being Titanic and we all know how long that is! It's so nice now to be in bed. I also discovered today that my job isn't a good one to have when you have lost your voice. It makes answering the phone and talking to people (aka almost everything I do) very difficult. 

Enough of that though. I was reading the news just before when I came across this article about a new discovery of dinosaur eggs in Patagonia.

Have you ever seen a dinosaur egg? I actually have. I've even held it in my own hands. Here's the proof. 

It's the real thing as well, not a replica. 

Dinosaurs probably aren't the first thing you think about when you think of Argentina (things like steak, malbec, tango, the Falklands spring to my mind first) but it's probably one of the most accessible places in the world to see some awesome dinosaur-related stuff. 

When I was over there we visited Neuquen. This is a dinosaur hot spot. Actually there's not too much else there apart from vineyards, oil fields and dinosaur digs/museums. We had the chance to visit a working dinosaur dig where we got to see (and hold) all sorts of cool finds) and then several museums with actual bones and replicas of fossils found in the area like the gigantic Argentinosaurus. Truely impressive and fascinating. I'm a bit of a big kid but I'm sure actual kids would also have a field day acting like Indianna Jones running around a dinosaur dig.

I'm pretty sure I haven't shared these on here before so tonight I leave you with some more pictures of cool dinosaur stuff in Neuquen. 

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