Thursday, April 26, 2012

ANZAC and The Avengers

Today felt like it was never going to end - it was seriously long - but not a bad day. After going to be after midnight I was up again at 4.30am to get ready to go to the ANZAC dawn service down by parliament. I worked out it was my 7th ANZAC day in Wellington. I can't believe I've lived here this long already.

It was like all other ANZAC services I've been too - cold, solemn and thought-provoking...
I'm sure every year there are more and more people. The crowd must have been at least 5000.

The walk home around the waterfront was gorgeous as the sun was just beginning to rise. I love that time of morning but somehow I always forget that when I am tucked up in my warm bed, pushing snooze time and time again.

Then it was back to bed for a couple of hours before heading into work. 10 hours of time-and-a-half - I really can't complain about that.

Straight after work I watched The Avengers and boy was it great. I'm not a fan of the super hero genre but I am a fan of Joss Whedon (who directed this and is most famous for directing Buffy - a show I still go back and watch on DVD). It was fantastic. The atmosphere was great as there were almost 400 people in the theatre including a large group from (who did some of the digital effects) so the movie was broken up by applause and wolf-whistling. I haven't seen a crowd get that much into a movie (or that many people go watch a movie in its opening 24 hours) since the last Harry Potter. God knows what The Hobbit will be like this December!

Mostly my plans for this week are to work and to watch movies. I'm planning to see The Way, The Most Fun You Can Have Dying, The Muppets Take Manhattan, A Separation, A Dangerous Method, and The Five Year Engagement. That's a heck of a lot of movies to fit in around a 55+ hour work week and rabbit caring duties, especially when I've given up coffee for a month but it can be done!

I've borrowed a friend's sewing machine too so I've booked myself some time with that to attempt to make a new curtain for the bathroom. Wish me luck! I'm going to need it.

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