Saturday, April 28, 2012

Crunch time

Well the time has finally come to seriously do something about the extra weight I'm carrying. For me, this is crisis point. I haven't weighed myself lately but by the fit of my clothes and extra chub around my face, this is definitely the largest I've ever been in my life.

Having been quite a podgy kid, I've ever since always considered myself to be overweight, even if there were times when I really wasn't. As the years have crept by, the kilos have crept on. I'd hazard a guess that in the last 2 years I've stacked on 15kg! Argh! It's certainly time to do something about it.

Before I start I want to post two very different pictures of me in a similar setting - one taken March 09 probably weighing around 68kg and one in December 12 weighing 80+kg.

I work best with rewards. When, not if, I reach my goal weight of 70kg, I will take myself off to a sunny tropical paradise again.

Baby steps first though. My main issue is a lack of exercise and overeating (and using long hours and tiredness as an excuse for laziness!).

I'm not a fan of dieting - I'm going to do a lifestyle overhaul instead.

Last week I gave up coffee for a month to help me cut the habit of having 2 (or sometimes more) cappacinos each day. Once the month is up I'll bring back a long black or macchiato a day but for now, it's easier to sever the ties altogether. I've been drinking lots of tea instead (no sugar, of course!).

I also started to consciously eat more fruit - 2 pieces a day - this is to kick start healthier eating and by trading a snack (often a cake/slice from where I work) for fruit, it'll ultimately help with the weight loss.

This week my baby step goals are:

  • walk at least one way to/from work each day (30 minute walk)
  • drink more water - take a bottle to work with me and drink that rather than diet coke, coffee or hot chocolates.
  • have breakfast every day
  • go to the pool and swim 30 laps on my day off
  • don't buy any food outside of the weekly grocery shop - take all my lunches/dinners to work with me
I think I'll add something each week and slowly up the exercise until I'm back to being able to run 5km again!

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