Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Palta rellena

One of the easiest and tastiest Peruvian dishes you can make is palta rellena which just means stuffed avocado. I whipped some up tonight as I cooked a chicken dish and of course the pommy flatmate couldn't eat that. 

Simply combine mayonaise, diced red onion, a tin of tuna (you can use shredded chicken instead), spring onion, a splash of lime or lemon juice and a pinch of chilli in a bowl. Half an avocado lengthwise and remove the stone. Spoon the tuna mayo mixture into the hole left by the stone. And that's it - it's so incredibly easy. Serve 1/2-1 avocados per person. It makes a great entree or light lunch. I didn't write down any measurements because the recipe comes from my head and I never measure anything (which makes writing up recipes for staff to follow at work soooo difficult!). 

I forgot to take a photo before it got scoffed, but here's a photo of a similar one my grandmother in Buenos Aires made. Her's has a different filling but it gives you the idea. Even better avocados were only 60c this week. Fingers crossed they get cheaper yet because I could happily eat one every day!

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